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Let's begin anew. Let's start on a path of health, joy and peace

You Deserve Peace

Another Path

My name is Nathaniel Mills and I know how it feels when everyday is a fight. Where chronic anxiety consumes your mind and your body pays the price; contracted and painful sensations in your neck, shoulders, heart space and belly. This ceaseless worrying takes away all joy.  The worries move anywhere from climate change and social anxiety, to the capacity to express yourself authentically, have loving partnership and be successful in your career and any venture in your life. I know the deep rooted pain that underly these worries; self doubt, self shaming and self hate.

I also know...

There is a way out and it is through self love. There is light on the other side. This pain will not last. You can and will feel differently. Peace is coming.


Peace is here, when we recognize and realign our perception of ourselves with what we truly are; fundamentally whole and valuable irrespective of our past and our future. When we drop the delusions that we have been told to believe and start to tend to our hearts and minds intentionally and lovingly we become creators. This agency and peace it creates finds firm roots when we develop skills and techniques (our toolkits) to regulate our nervous system and redefine the way we relate to our thoughts. It sustains when we employ these tools to live the lives we are meant to; that of joy, peace and responsibility.

Let's realize our responsibility as creators. If you are experiencing these pains and want to feel life differently, please reach out. If you are looking to fine tune the practices you already have or co-create new ones, please reach out. In any capacity, I am honored and grateful to walk this new path right alongside you.



What I offer


Connect with community as we release and renew. Whether on the mat or on the chair, we will move through postures and breath practices to connect to our hearts and heal our bodies



Build YOUR own practice. Here, we co-create a practice directly suited for you and your goals. Personalized yoga sequences and breath practices will improve your mobility strength and every other aspect of your health


This is your space to be heard, seen and valued unconditionally. This is your time to discuss what you would like. We can get into what has been blocking joy and develop a tool kit of practices to transform the way  you meet thoughts and bodily sensations. A new path begins now



Learn the fundamental skills to ride waves safely, joyfully and mindfully. The ocean is a potent source of healing both physically and emotionally and we can dive into the science behind it. Gain knowledge, strength and confidence to ride alone with no hesitation. Watch the way the time spent in the ocean fundamentally transforms the way you meet every moment of your life.

 The ocean is calling you home!

Beginner Surf.jpg


Lawndale, CA 90260


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